Monday, September 28, 2015

Day 20+ Screen Free Challenge!

Well, my camera charger went missing, so alas, no videos or recent photos. Other than what I can grab with my flip phone (read: small, blurry). (UPDATED: I found the chargers!!! Yay!!)

Update on the Screen Free Challenge:
We're just over 20 days in, and I have a confession to make. I have been cheating. (hangs head) All of my good intentions fail me, but I keep going and keep on trying to make the days better for all of us!

I've begun another challenge, which I don't know how many of you would be interested in it...but here it is!
I am making and eating food that is on plan, the Trim Healthy Mama plan, that is. Here again, I've already slipped up a few times, but eating better is just 3 hours away. I'm putting a heart on those days I do well, and I have more hearts that blank spots! Makes me happy! lol

Here's a few more pictures of what's been going on around here. 

Rag curls for Lil' Bit

Car ride to go grocery shopping

They love having a tent up!

My Yom Kippur headcovering, ignore the Shasta, it's not mine!

I had a few exciting plans, but they included the use of a camera to do, so pray I can find that thing soon, so I can do what I wanted to do!!!

That's it for now, just checking in, since it's been awhile. :)

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