Monday, September 7, 2015

60 Day Screen-Free Challenge!

Now I've gone and done it again!

Technology and I have a love, hate, relationship. I love it, but I hate that it sucks me in, and I seem to have NO self control.

So once again, I set off to discipline myself, and set a challenge that is crazy...because not only am I following this...but my children are too. *sigh* I may need to invest in some coffee, or ear plugs. Because the level of toddler angst is high, and I anticipate it going higher! Although I do have plans for what to do, to get them thinking and help them through the initial boredom, until they are the creative, building worlds of their imaginations children I know are there somewhere!

But the rules...for myself...are as follows:

 - no cartoons, movies, series, YouTube videos and other mindless watching.
 - later on, the children may watch one bible story video here and there, and I may watch 119 Ministries teachings, and similar videos.
No Kindle 
 - until children are in bed and then only 30 minutes. Need to be off of screens 30 minutes before bed anyways, for better sleep!
No Computer
 - No FB
 - Blogging is okay, but limit time.
 - Use of computer for recipe searches, and other household helps is also fine, BUT again, limit time.
 - Email, checked throughout the week
Cell Phone
 - No texting, or calling between 7am-5pm
 - Can use house phone as needed
 I would love to have some like-minded people join me in this venture, but it's not for the faint of heart! And I know this is where G-d's leading me, but He may not be leading you here, at this time.

Just know that if *I* can do this, you can, but it's all up to G-d's plan. :)

So this starts tomorrow, September 8th, 2015. Please be keeping me in prayers, and the children too. And the husband, because lets face it...we're facing a few days of toddler wrath here!!

She's helping me make posters, to track our progress!

Isn't it lovely?! I'm actually excited!

I placed it where it would be seen, right by the computer/TV

This right here, is a major reason why I'm doing this. 
(Runs Sept 8, to Nov 6)