Monday, August 31, 2015

The Number 1 Reason Simple Living Is Best

 The Number 1 Reason Simple Living Will Work

So this morning, as I was scrubbing and scouring the cast iron skillet, thinking how long the process was to clean it, and re-season it..I found myself getting impatient. And it hits me: For all of my desire for a simpler life, a frugal life, a minimalist one...I'm forgetting somethings in this thought. It isn't just about how simple you can get your living arrangements, or possessions. Although that helps, if you can minimize it all. 

It's also largely about your mindset. How willing are you to do things that take more time, to really focus on the project at hand, giving it your all. Knowing that it'll take some time, but it's worth that time. Knowing that in the search for simple, usually that means doing things the slowly, with more steps way, too. How willing are you to slow down, and not give in to the rush rush rush mindset that is hugely prevalent in our society today.

I have to admit...the rush mindset is still rooted in me, but I try each day, to eliminate it!
Today, I sat and watched my laundry blowing in the breeze. I watched my chickens explore, hunt, squabble over a bug. I watched my children create imaginary worlds full of adventure and fun. I watched my kittens hunt and then eat a lizard. (ew boys, come on!)

There is treasure deep within these moments, moments to hold on to, and savor, not to rush, or hurry along. These are the days that I want to embrace.

And I think further, that living simply is admirable, and many seem to be aiming for this now. It's so much more than about possessions, and what you have, or what you don't have.  It's being content with right now knowing that things change at the speed of light, not rushing to get the latest. It's making do with what you've got, and using creativity to make it something new again, rather than tossing what's still usable for something that's cheaply made.

Simple living is nothing, if you don't grasp the thoughts behind it. 
  • That being content supersedes keeping up with the Jones'. 
  • That using up what you have, saving money for outright purchases, and living within your means isn't's freedom. 
  • That having only what is useful, and what you love, limits mediocre in your life. 
  • That living like our grandparents, and great-grandparents did is nothing to be ashamed off, or to laugh at...they were of the generations that created technology, went to the moon, and walked on it, lived with high moral values. Not too shabby...
So yes, I prefer to live a simpler life. Not just with fewer things around me, but with more memories, more hard work to appreciate the fruits of, and being content with what I have in the moment. Because what I have in this priceless, and precious.  

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