Monday, August 17, 2015

Let's Talk Numbers, Shall We?

 Numbers, Smumbers

We have been getting a set amount from the state, in the way of food assistance. I would also, spend above that amount, ALL the time. Until this month, that is. I was curious, and a little nervous, to see just how much I was spending, over the $257 in assistance. On average, we were spending $205.00 over the $257. Of that, approximately $50 would be spent in eating out, usually on the days' we went grocery shopping. 

So it breaks down too:
$407.70 for food.

Ah, That's a LOT Seymour!

Which, if I was doing better meal planning, wouldn't be 'too' bad. However, I KNOW I wasn't planning, and that things went to waste a LOT. So it was a waste of money, to be spending that much. I'm really tired of throwing out food that's gone bad, aren't you?

So now we know, I spent about 1/3 more of our money, on food we'd end up tossing out. Bah, now I'm a little peeved at myself. ;) Here's to better meal planning, and food prep, to make food easier and more apt to be eaten. And, I'll have to brain storm a better plan for the days we go grocery shopping, as well. Saving that $50+ would be awesome!! That's almost 2 fill up's at the gas station. Or plenty of diapers and wipes for the month. Or food for all of the animals, and litter for the cats.

When I think of it like that, it's eat opening to see how frivolous we can get with money, and knowing that it can be spent better, wiser...For some time now, I've been thinking I need to take my life here at home, and think of it as a job. Meaning, I need to organize my duties, my desires, my abilities, and use them to the best intentions. I have plenty of time to get things done around the house, to plan our menus, to cook nutritious foods and snacks, and to take the time to learn how to save money, and use it wisely.

Last Thoughts

Maybe that's where I need to start: by planning out my weeks, to maximize my time, and abilities, so that I can save us the most money, and yet we still enjoy our meals, our days, and maybe just maybe the Lord will bless us in being able to do things together, outside the home as well. :)

What have you done, to change your habits, and reorganize the spending??

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