Thursday, August 20, 2015

10 More Ways to Save Money

10 Most Ways to Save Money!
In case you missed the first 10 ways, click me, and you'll see what else we do!

1) We use washable cloth towels, instead of paper towels.
2) We also use cloth napkins, instead of paper.
3) I prep our food as much as possible. I know this saves us money, because I'm not left thinking we have nothing to eat, and things don't go bad.
4) Use the library!! Seriously, I even use this as a way to check out books that I'm interested in purchasing for our personal library. I've purchased a few books in my lifetime, that were a complete waste of money!!
5) We don't have cable or satellite TV. We do have Netflix again, but we use YouTube a lot, and purchase Amazon Prime once a year. (Although this coming year, we're going to forego Amazon, as it doesn't have we like to watch much).
6) We also have basic phones. While I miss the smart phones ability to keep me organized, it would suck too much of my time and money from me!
7) We eat meatless meals, twice a week now.
8) Our church has a children's closet, we go there to take our out-grown items, and see what they have that will fill our needs. This is a free service, which we have been hugely blessed by! Children grow, quickly.
9) I'll be posting some items for sale, we don't use them, and they still are useful, and it'll help us have some cash on hand, for those little things that pop up, like, gas, children's shoes because they grew out of all of their shoes at once, kind of thing. ;)
10) I look for what's on sale, and buy enough to last (hopefully) until the next time it would be on sale.

I love finding ways to save us more money, some are instant, some are over time, but all contribute to keeping money in our wallets, than seeing it fly out of the house like it's pants are on fire. :)


  1. We have been using cloth napkins for 18 years. We have more now but of the first 12 I bought we still have 11 and they aren't nasty. Yes I use a bit more spray wash but since we use those every meal and I spent about $.50 each we have more than gotten our $ out of them.
    The other places I have saved is rebuilding things,ie our vacuum died, I spent $40 on parts and got another 3+ years from it.

    1. That's a great savings on the vacuum! I'll need to keep that in mind. :)
